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The [MSSS] announced that the measures and directives related to COVID-19 that were still in force as of July 19, 2023 were lifted.

Wearing masks is no longer mandatory but cadets who still wish to do so are allowed to.

The duration of isolation for anyone found positive is now reduced to 5 days.

If cadets present symptoms of Covid-19, we ask that you inform us and keep them home until the symptoms subside.

© 2019 by Air Cadet League Of Canada - 588 Eric Simms Squadron. Proudly created with



This is the official website of the 588 Eric Simms Squadron Sponsoring Committee, the civilian sponsor of 588 Eric Simms Squadron. This is not a Canadian Forces website. These pages are not intended to be, nor do they represent in any way, official comments, statistics, or opinions of the Department of National Defence or the Air Cadet League of Canada. These pages are not provided, endorsed, sponsored or approved by the Department of National Defence or the Air Cadet League of Canada.


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