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Summer Training Information and application process

Great news, we just got some information on cadet opportunities for the summer!  


All cadets wanting to apply for Cadet Activity Plan or Cadet summer training, see Lt. Blanchette.


Your interest will be noted, and we will contact you to discuss dates.  When offers come in.  This could be as late as mid-May.


Level 1 & 2: Cadet Activity Programs (CAP)

CAP will be delivered locally for cadets in levels one and two. The programming will be managed by the Regional Commanding Officer, offering expanded opportunities for Cadets.


Level 3+: Cadet Summer Training

Cadet Summer Training will be offered in-person! Common Courses are open to all elements. There is also training geared to Air Cadets.


Types of training:

In-person: Training will be completed in-person at one of the Cadet Training Centres with no virtual component.


Hybrid: A course that is composed of a virtual training component and an in-person training component.


Cadets attending training centres for in-person training will attend those offering training for cadets from English squadrons in our region.


Common Courses:

Air Rifle Marksmanship Instructor Course

Hybrid: 1 week distance, 3 weeks on site

Required: Level 3+, age 14+


Drill and Ceremonial Instructor Course

Hybrid: 1 week distance, 3 weeks on site

Required: Level 3+, age 14+


Fitness and Sports Instructor Course

Hybrid: 1 week distance, 3 weeks on site

Required: Level 3+, age 14+


Military Band / Pipe Band Musician

Hybrid: 1 week distance, 3 weeks on site

Required: Level 3+, age 14+


Cadet Administration and Supply Assistant Course 

In-Person: 2 weeks

Required: Level 4+, age 15+


Air Cadet Training:

Advanced Aerospace Course

Hybrid: 1 week distance, 3 weeks on site

Required: Level 4+, age 15+


Advanced Aviation Course

Hybrid: 1 week distance, 3 weeks on site

Required: Level 3+, age 14+


Aviation Technology and Aerospace Course

In-Person: 2 weeks

Required: Level 3+, age 14+


Survival Instructor Course

Hybrid: 1 week distance, 3 weeks on site

Required: Level 3+, age 14+


Glider Pilot & Power Pilot Training Course - must complete Ground School



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This is the official website of the 588 Eric Simms Squadron Sponsoring Committee, the civilian sponsor of 588 Eric Simms Squadron. This is not a Canadian Forces website. These pages are not intended to be, nor do they represent in any way, official comments, statistics, or opinions of the Department of National Defence or the Air Cadet League of Canada. These pages are not provided, endorsed, sponsored or approved by the Department of National Defence or the Air Cadet League of Canada.


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